Getting it started
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Getting it started
From Cathy:
I talked about the Consolidated Plan process, where the City makes a five year plan of how to spend HOME funds, CDBG, funds, Emergency Shelter Grant funds and Housing For Persons With Aids Funds. It is THE major planning document for the city Department of Housing.
Here is the first schedule of public hearings to gather the public’s viewpoint on what needs to be done.
If people want to see that city involvement in affordable housing should have a sustainability focus, speak up now through this process. It is the best access to change the Department of Housing mindset. They really are not thinking about these issues. While Planning and Zoning control land use, Department of Housing controls money for affordable housing.
I talked about the Consolidated Plan process, where the City makes a five year plan of how to spend HOME funds, CDBG, funds, Emergency Shelter Grant funds and Housing For Persons With Aids Funds. It is THE major planning document for the city Department of Housing.
Here is the first schedule of public hearings to gather the public’s viewpoint on what needs to be done.
If people want to see that city involvement in affordable housing should have a sustainability focus, speak up now through this process. It is the best access to change the Department of Housing mindset. They really are not thinking about these issues. While Planning and Zoning control land use, Department of Housing controls money for affordable housing.
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