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Key emails for gatekeepers

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Key emails for gatekeepers Empty Key emails for gatekeepers

Post  GreenThumbNate Wed May 13, 2009 10:39 pm

Let's face it--we're information saturated. Yet key communication isn't broad and fast enough on a greengrass roots level. I would like to see someone (on the GC board?) collect and distribute the contact info of the gatekeepers of various influential groups in town, gatekeepers who can pass along a broadcast email or stop it if it isn't germane to the individual group in the eyes of the gatekeeper. Thus, the greenconvene key email list of gatekeepers can be the switchboard for interlocking ideas. As new groups arise, this list grows. All of which would fold into social media too (ie facebook, ...).

Just a rough idea to flesh out before pursuing.



Posts : 8
Join date : 2009-04-28
Location : Louisville, KY

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